A 20 Minute How-To Guide to Launch Your Show!
Ranked writer and high school theatre director Kyle Holmes walks you through everything you need to confidently jump into directing your first musical through Zoom this school year!
Topics covered include: Setting up your Zoom space, optimal sound settings, blocking and staging, establishing boundaries with your actors, creating and utilizing virtual backgrounds, when scenes should be pre-recorded or live, video and audio editing your pre-recorded scenes, streaming the performance itself, ticket sales, and... remembering to have fun!
Ranked, A (Zoom!) Musical
The Ranked performance used for this instructional video featured:
(in order of appearance)
Alexandra Starr
Kalonjee Gallimore
Shelby Wulfert
Ben Milan-Polisar
Cindy Tsai
Amy Button
Directed by Mindy Cooper
Musical Direction by David Taylor Gomes
Stage Managed by Kaila Hill
Casting by Stephanie Klapper Casting
(Stephanie Klapper, CSA & Anna Torchia, Casting Assistant)
Video Editing by Kaveh Ghaemi